Saturday, February 20, 2010

Instant Jury Guest Judge of the Week: Wendy Diamond, Forbes Magazine Canine Queen

New York, NY. February 19, 2009 – Today Instant Jury (, the court of public opinion introduces guest judge, Wendy Diamond, the Martha Stewart of the milk and bone dish (The New Yorker). Wendy Diamond, leading pet lifestyle expert, TV personality and animal rescue advocate, as well as author of the recent It's a Dog's World: The Savvy Guide to Four-Legged Living, will serve as the first guest judge for Instant Jury.

Guest judges will be able to leave comments on everyday cases and also be able to provide the final verdict, no matter what the public is voting. Log on today to leave your pup cases for Wendy Diamond to provide expert advice and rule over the case.

“I am so excited to be the first guest judge for Instant Jury especially since my book, It’s a Dog’s World: The Savvy Guide to Four-Legged Living, has so many great tips for dog owners and dog lovers,” said Wendy Diamond. “I love the idea of being able to rule over a case – I have always wanted to be a judge.”

Instant Jury recently celebrated its one-year anniversary. In that time, Instant Jury has grown to be the go-to site to settle squabbles over fantasy football, roommate issues and any little thing that gets underneath your skin. With thousands of cases on Instant Jury, users have aired their dirty laundry about colleagues wearing too much perfume and replying all on an email conversation to pop culture issues such as Simon leaving American Idol and Sundance Film Festival movies.

Instant Jury allows users to settle disputes, sit on a jury, and be a judge. If you think you're in the right, you'd probably like to know, especially if others will back you up. Instant Jury is the place to air that dirty laundry -- er, evidence -- against meddling roommates, controlling girlfriends, and anyone else who deserves it. File the motion, set the stakes, and plead your case to an instant jury and let the public decide.

“Everyone is saying ‘content is king’ which is why we are so excited to bring guest judges to site to bring new and interesting cases and content,” said Brett Reilly, founder of Instant Jury. “We can’t thank Wendy Diamond enough for being our number one guest judge and we look forward to the other guest judges. Continue to log in to see who is ruling the cases.”

If you are interested in working with Instant Jury to be a guest judge, please contact info [at] instant jury [dot] com.

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