Jury Credits are our way of keeping score for those who do their digital civic duty at The Court of Public Opinion. Jury Credits will not only earn you a spot on the Grand Jury but they will also give you some rank among the other jurors.
- Citizen: an Instant Jury virgin - 0-49 Credits
- Samaritan: Experienced in the Instant Jury sack. Understands how the parts (of the cases) work - 50 Credits
- Counselor: Banged every case from here to Beijing- 125 Credits
- Judge: Master of the IJ Penal System- 175 Credits
- Supreme Court Justice: the highest honor at the Court of Public Opinion: 1000 Credits
Do these easy tasks to start earning credits:
Join a Jury = +1 Jury Credit
Comment on a case = +1 Jury Credit (max 1 per case)
First Juror to Join the Jury = +3 Jury Credits
Serve as a Plaintiff or Defendant = +5 Jury Credits
Reaching 100 pt milestones (100, 200, 300 etc) = +10 Jury Credits
Fail to do these tasks and it'll cost ya'!
We take rank seriously so in order to maintain your standing and place among the Grand Jury, you must report regularly or fulfill your commitments or you will lose Jury Credits.
Fail to log in to Instant Jury in a 24 Hour Period= - 1 Jury Credit
Join a Jury but fail to place a vote= -1 Jury Credit
What can I do with my Jury Credits?
Instant Jury is still growing so nothing yet. But wait! We are working on instituting two new rewards for those with ample Jury Credits:
1) Special privileges at each level- judge a case, moderate the message board etc...
2) A prize bar where you can redeem your credits for prizes. Like real prizes and not the rubber monster pencil toppers you used to get for scoring 300 on SkeeBall.
However, we need to reach a certain number of users before we can institute these programs or no one will benefit. That's why we need your help to spread the word about Instant Jury. Tell your friends about cases, tweet out our links, update your facebook status with details about great cases...all of these things help us get more jurors. Sooner or later, you can use your Judge status to rule in favor of your friend as she sues her ex and then treat her to something like Cupcake Stop.com by trading in some credits.
More to come! Please contact us with any suggestions!
Also be on the watch for special contests to earn BIG CREDITS for small tasks.
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